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Have you heard of Human Operating Systems?

Since today is Halloween, maybe you’re thinking that a human operating system is some crazy assembly line to have procedures done like your tonsils taken out. Somewhere in the world that may exist, but it’s not what I’m talking about.

Human operating systems are something that many companies overlook but could be the most important operating system within your company. We spend a ton of time and money making sure our computer equipment and software systems are all working well. But what about our most important resource? Our team. The human operating system is not what will be accomplished, it’s the how will it be accomplished. Here’s 3 areas to think about:

Communication Systems

Think about structured and unstructured methods of communicating. We need to communicate; up and down (or side to side) the company, internally and externally, formally and informally. Create some tools that are used very regularly to help form good habits. Don’t take on too much, as you will not keep it going.

Human Resource Systems

As companies get to a certain size, they can afford to hire human resource folks to create the proper systems. If you are not ready to hire someone, think about talking to outsourced human resource companies to help you. Some things to consider are; finding and hiring the right people at the right time, nurturing programs to better your team, regular performance reviews with substance. Everyone should look at their resume at least once per year. Ask your people if they did anything last year that was impactful enough to change the precious space of their resume. Challenge them to work with you on something for the upcoming year.

Productivity Systems

Think about how you can get your team to produce at maximum capacity. This is not so simple as every individual is motivated and driven differently. Some functions are easier to drive productivity than others. It’s good to make sure everyone is working at capacity, but don’t forget the psychological side of things as well.

When you’re thinking about your human operating system, make sure you know your vision and its path. The path will help determine your core focuses today. These should all translate into your company culture and a strong human operating system.

PS. Those are zombies in the picture. Their not even human, but they certainly work well with each other.

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