Spring Cleaning Time
The term "spring cleaning" has come up a lot recently. I wonder why? Oh, that's right, it's spring. The flowers are springing, it's warmer outside, and we seem to have more energy. We use that energy to clean our yards, clean the house, and so much more. How is it that we remember to do some of these activities and not others?
Most of the time, we pick up on cues from our senses. These cues are usually visual, such as; sticks all over the yard, a messy garage, dirty windows, and so on. What about those activities that need to be done but give us no cues? For example; when's the last time you cleaned out your dryer vent?
How do we remember to do these types of activities?
Think about creating checklists to manage those activities that are not easy to remember and don't give you any cues. The checklist can now be your cue. All you need to remember is to look at your checklist. I like to break up my lists into the following; daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly. This helps keep the lists to one page. I keep all my lists together. At the beginning of the day, week, month, or year, I look at my list.
Maybe now you know why I picked a picture of a spring. I'm sure this spring isn't in plane sight, and I'm sure it needs to be cleaned? If cleaning of springs (or spring cleaning) is important to you, then it better be on one of your lists!