Pollen and the Workforce
Did you know, 75% of the world's flowering plants and 35% of the world's food crops depend on animal and insect pollinators to reproduce? There are over 300,000 different animal and insect species that live off pollen and help pollination of the flowers. Each species of flowering plants produces their pollen at different times so there is not a surplus or shortage of pollen.
Just like human beings, within the flower of a plant, there are male parts and female parts. The male part (Anther) produces the pollen. The pollen then needs to get to the female part (Stigma). The workforce (insects and animals) gets the pollen for food and as a side benefit the flower is getting the pollen placed in the stigma. Once in the stigma, the pollen fertilizes the ovule to produce seeds. This delicate balance between supply, demand, and transportation keeps all these creatures alive and able to reproduce. Any changes could be devastating.
So…what does this have to do with business? Well, let me tell you.
During this pandemic, the (human) workforce needed to adapt to the new environment. This new environment allowed many folks to work from home and be very productive. Now that the pandemic seems to have turned the corner, many companies are starting to think about their plans to bring everyone back in. As an owner or manager, you need to think about the pros and cons from both the businesses perspective and the employee's perspective. A few things to think about are:
How to measure productivity - a problem for remote or in person work
Will a hybrid model work? If so, will each employee need 2 workstations? What is the right schedule? How much office space will be needed?
Payroll tax issues.
Will you lose good employees if this is not well thought out or if a better situation exists?
After you have implanted the new arrangements, make sure to keep a close eye on how it’s all working. As the flowering plants have done for quite a long time, adapt where needed.
By the way, that's a picture of a sugar glider. They love nectar and tree sap.