When do we leave for Florida?
I remember the days when my family would take the long summer trip to Miami or to Topeka. One of us kids was lucky enough to get the way...
Speaking of Memorial Day
I hope you all enjoyed Memorial Day and, in some way, paid tribute to the men and women who died while in military service. It's typical...
When was the last time you worked ON your business?
Remember when you first started your business? There was all sorts of time to work on your business. Probably because there wasn't much...
Does this make you uncomfortable?
I don’t' know about you, but if I tried to bend backwards like that, my back would snap in half like a dried twig. Speaking of backwards....
Are you running your business on Fake News?
If your business information is not timely or is inaccurate, then you're running your business on fake news. Maybe your routine on...
January is Set the Business Tone month
I know…we are all still saying happy new year to folks. But the year isn't so new anymore. January is coming to a close real fast and...
Lights on Christmas
It’s Christmas morning and you’re reading emails? What’s wrong with you? Or…What’s wrong with me for sending it out? Anyway, it is...
Happy Thoughtful Day
I know, there's no such thing as Thoughtful Day but there should be! We just came off of Thanksgiving and are now headed toward the gift...
Business control is good, no matter how you slice it!
Last month I wrote a blog on staying in control of your business by delegation and empowerment. In the spirit (pun intended) of...
Are you a Control verb or a Control noun?
In a million years, I never thought I would write a sentence like this next one. There are a lot of words out there that can be used as...